
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Cooperation among Environment-Oriented Blogs

Dear Fellow Environmental Blogs,

The Internet and its constant expansion has led the world to shrink and come closer together. In sharing resources, humanity has progressed in many ways at an accelerated pace. In order to promote the environmental health and the health of the people of our local communities, we envirobloggers should cooperate with one another. So, in the spirit of goodwill and responsible progress, we invite you to help us cross promote one another so that we may all gain mutual benefits.
So, in that spirit, we seek your input, experience, and wisdom. Together, we can do a lot of good... :)

Happy Holidays to All,
Dean and the Bonsai's Blogger Staff.

A Great Little Article

Hi all, MSN published this great article on great ways to go green and be more eco friendly. Take a look!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Mold sweet Mold

[Courtesy of and the CDC]

"Mold is Gold" say a lot of people. With the amount of litigation out there, it might as well be for lawyers. For everyone else it spells another word: Bankruptcy. It's crazy how much people are being sued for the slightist negligence over the quality of life. Here is where cutting corners is definitely NOT a good idea.

People are getting sued left and right. Who? Not just facility managers, multimillionaire owners of commercial towers, or managers of huge industrial complexes. Average joes are getting creamed by the amount of lawsuits there are out there. Regular home owners. It's either get it done right or get health consequences and legal consequences. In our Northern Virginia area, we see this problem all the time.

In my experience, it seems like there is a lot that could be done to better inform the honest businessman/woman and homeowner about his/her problems, options, and what could be done to improve the situation.

Take a look at this ugly sucker under the microscope [the blue picture above]. It looks innocent right now, but wait until it invades your home or place of work, messes with your health, and eats into your savings. Not so innocent looking now, is it?



Hi everyone, welcome to “I Smell Mold”, the new blog from Bonsai. “I Smell Mold” is an introduction and discussion of Environmental, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), and Mold Issues.

This blog is sponsored by Bonsai, which is a full service Environmental Inspection, Consulting and Remediation Company located in suburb of Washington DC. Bonsai services are available worldwide and in USA. However, the views expressed in this blog are individual and are not necessarily the views of the company.

“I Smell Mold” talks about issues related to Environment that faces commercial, residential and industrial users and everything that comes with it. “I Smell Mold” contains stories involving real people, real events, and real life situations that effect people’s life, health and pocket books.

“I Smell Mold” works towards raising awareness of environmental issues that we feel everybody should know more about and be alert to, such as the effects of mold on the health of people who have sustained contact with it, environmental law issues, ethics, and professionalism in the fields of facility management, real estate, property management and health industry. All of the above issues are interrelated and it would do well to open up discussion on how they affect our daily lives.

Bonsai and I invite everyone from the public to our peers and colleagues to participate in this blog to discuss all the real life issues and practical solutions. As for me, I'm the writer and editor for this blog. Let's just say I've been with Bonsai since 2001 and have gotten pretty close to the people who work here.

So, welcome to the blog and it’s good to see you :)

Happy and safe holidays to you all

Dean A. Dastvar